Follow along with Kayla as she shows you how she uses the tools available to each agent on The Tulip Team, as Ottawa REALTOR®S, to set up a personalized property search within a specific school zone / catchment area. In this video Kayla uses Mutchmor Public School (her alma mater) in the Glebe, to demonstrate how she can easily create a personalized search for you.

It's important that your REALTOR® takes all of your needs and wants into consideration when setting up your home search. This helps to make the process as stress-free as possible for you. These needs and wants will definitely include staying within a specific school zone if your child, or children are already at a school that they (and you) love, and you want to keep them registered at that school for the next school year!

If you're interested in chatting with one of our agents about how they can help you set up a search just like this visit and Get in Touch today!

Disclaimer: Most stats and data mentioned came from the following sites and are not based on personal opinions:

Elementary Attendance Boundary Maps:

All stats, data, house pricing, and anything else mentioned is always subject to change and is provided merely as an example at the time of this recording